


Flying Blind, LLC EyePod TechnoCast Archive Section

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EyePod TechnoCast Volume 11: An Exploration of the BraillePen12 and BraillePen Slim

RELEASED: February 7, 2011
In this installment of the EyePod Technocast Flying Blind, LLC introduces you to the BraillePen12 and the BraillePen Slim (http://www.braillepen.com), two Braille input/output solutions with 12 refreshable Braille cells and a Perkins-style Braille keyboard for text input with navigation through a variety of desktop and mobile computer applications.
BraillePen12 is priced at US$995.00 and is the first refreshable Braille device to be priced under US$1,000.00 for devices with 12 or more refreshable Braille cells. Alternatively, the BraillePen Slim, a Braille input device without any refreshable Braille cells yet parallels the functionality of the BraillePen12, is priced at US$299.00.
In this podcast Larry Lewis of Flying Blind, LLC describes the BraillePen's hardware design and various uses as well as demonstrates the ease and efficiency of using BraillePen with both a smartphone as well as Apple's iPad.
BraillePen is manufactured by Harpo (http://www.harpo.com.pl), a Polish-based manufacturer and distributor of solutions for the vision impaired for over 30 years. Flying Blind, LLC is pleased to partner with Harpo and it's North American based importer, Aroga (http://www.aroga.com) to promote the use of BraillePen in a variety of educational and community settings. For more information about BraillePen or to purchase BraillePen, please e-mail braillepen@flying-blind.com or call +1 (216) 381-8107.
You may click on, or forward, either of the following links to download this audio podcast:
EyePod TechnoCast Volume 11: An Exploration of the BraillePen12 and BraillePen Slim
MP3 Format: http://www.flying-blind.com/ept/EyePodTechnoCast11.mp3 (22.2 MB @ 96Kbps)
ZIP Format: http://www.flying-blind.com/ept/EyePodTechnoCast11.zip (22.1 MB @ 96Kbps)
You may also subscribe to the EyePod TechnoCast Feed using the following RSS link: http://www.flying-blind.com/feed.xml.
Warmest Regards,
Larry L. Lewis, Jr.
President & Founder
Flying Blind, LLC
EyePod TechnoCast Volume 10: Introducing Eye-Pal, Where A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!



RELEASED: April 12, 2010
In this edition of the EyePod Technocast, Flying Blind, LLC’s founder, Larry Lewis, discusses the entire product line of Massachusetts-based ABISee (http://www.abisee.com), the creators of an entire product portfolio designed to provide audio, low vision, and tactile access to hardcopy print.
Optical Character Recognition, or OCR Solutions have been available to vision impaired customers for over 30 years, but ABISee is the first company to combine state-of-the-art mainstream hardware with software know-how to produce a complete range of products for print-impaired individuals of all ages.
Mr. Lewis demonstrates the Eye-Pal, an OCR solution designed to interact with a PC. A camera mounted on a specially designed, collapsible stand is connected via USB to a PC whereby the user may capture images of a variety of hardcopy materials and then read the contents of those materials on their PC. Lewis describes how he uses this solution in a variety of settings, and provides suggestions for how to best optimize such an innovative approach to accessing print in a variety of settings.
Flying Blind, LLC is pleased to announce that we will now be offering the entire line of ABISee OCR Solutions. For more information on which ABISee OCR product might be right for you, please e-mail OCR@flying-blind.com or call +1 (216) 381-8107.
You may click on, or forward, either of the following links to download: EyePod TechnoCast Volume 10: Introducing Eye-Pal, Where A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!, in either MP3 or ZIP Format (16.7 MB @ 96Kbps):
MP3 Format: http://www.flying-blind.com/ept/EyePodTechnoCast10.mp3
ZIP Format: http://www.flying-blind.com/ept/EyePodTechnoCast10.zip
We offer the ZIP format as a courtesy to anyone that might wish to download the podcast without the interference of their installed media player. Once downloaded, simply extract the enclosed MP3 and enjoy.
Or you can subscribe to the EyePod TechnoCast Feed using the RSS link provided below!
Eyepod Technocasts 9A & 9B Released. Mobilespeak 4 Takes On The iPhone And So Much More!



RELEASED: January 29, 2010
Flying Blind, LLC is pleased to kick off 2010 with a double header of EyePod Technocasts.
Many of you know that I’ve been an avid user and strong proponent of the Mobilespeak Screenreader Software developed by Code Factory (http://www.codefactory.es/). This company’s innovative approach to providing access to hundreds of mobile solutions has changed the lives of thousands of us who are vision impaired, and their latest product offering, Mobilespeak 4, does not disappoint.
In EyePod Technocast 9A, we focus on the enhanced text to speech capabilities present in Mobilespeak 4 and illustrate how MobileSpeak 4’s forward thinking regarding these functionalities solidifies its position with competitors who use familiar, but dated, status quo software.
In EyePod Technocast 9B, we shift gears and compare Mobilespeak 4’s newly implemented access to mobile handsets with touch screens, and the innovative approach that Apple has taken in providing access to the iPhone. We discuss both the accessibility and limitations of each approach.
If you have questions about any of the material covered in either podcast, please feel free to contact me. I hope you will find this information both useful and informative as we continue to work together to provide those of us who are vision impaired with the most comprehensive access available.
You may click on, or forward, any of the following links to download these audio podcasts:
EyePod TechnoCast Volume 9A: An Exploration of the Enhanced Text to Speech capabilities present in Mobilespeak 4
MP3 Format: http://www.flying-blind.com/ept/EyePodTechnoCast9A.mp3 (12.3 MB @ 96Kbps)
ZIP Format: http://www.flying-blind.com/ept/EyePodTechnoCast9A.zip (12.2 MB @ 96Kbps)
EyePod TechnoCast Volume 9B: Mobilespeak 4 vs The iPhone: Which Offers Greater Accessibility?
MP3 Format: http://www.flying-blind.com/ept/EyePodTechnoCast9B.mp3 (15.8 MB @ 96Kbps)
ZIP Format: http://www.flying-blind.com/ept/EyePodTechnoCast9B.zip (15.6 MB @ 96Kbps)
You may also subscribe to the EyePod TechnoCast Feed using the following RSS link: http://www.flying-blind.com/feed.xml.
Warmest Regards,
Larry L. Lewis, Jr.
President & Founder
Flying Blind, LLC
EyePod TechnoCast Volume 8: Flying Blind, LLC Introduces You to NetECHO, An All New Internet Access Alternative!



RELEASED: July 20, 2009
In this installment of the EyePod Technocast we showcase NetECHO, a web application developed by Internet Speech (http://www.internetspeech.com/).
What distinguishes the NetECHO application from any other web browser today is that it does not require a PC or mobile phone, web browser, or screenreader in order to use the application. Amazed? I was. NetECHO delivers a variety of web content through any telephone, land-based, LAN-based, or cellular. The user simply subscribes to the service, dials a number, enters a user name and password, and then utilizes the self-voicing application either by issuing voice commands to NetECHO, or by driving its performance via the telephone keypad.
In this podcast demonstration Flying Blind, LLC's founder, Larry Lewis, takes us on a tour of NetECHO, and illustrates, step-by-step, how this solution makes it possible to browse the internet, perform web searches, and send and receive e-mail, all without a PC or accessible mobile device. This innovative new technology now makes web content available to millions of users who would prefer, or have a specific need to, access web content via a telephone, a device both widely available and ubiquitously familiar.
Finally, if after hearing the podcast you decide that NetECHO might be the right choice for you or your organization, Flying Blind, LLC is pleased to offer its customers the ability to purchase monthly subscriptions to NetECHO using the following link:
Alternatively, you may also e-mail netecho@flying-blind.com or call +1 (216) 381-8107 to ensure that you are purchasing the best option to meet your specific web-browsing needs.
You may click on, or forward, either of the following links to download: EyePod TechnoCast Volume 8: Flying Blind, LLC Introduces You to NetECHO, An All New Internet Access Alternative!, in either MP3 or ZIP Format (26.6 MB @ 96Kbps)
MP3 Format: http://www.flying-blind.com/ept/EyePodTechnoCast8.mp3
ZIP Format: http://www.flying-blind.com/ept/EyePodTechnoCast8.zip
We offer the ZIP format as a courtesy to anyone that might wish to download the podcast without the interference of their installed media player. Once downloaded, simply extract the enclosed MP3 and enjoy.
Or you can subscribe to the EyePod TechnoCast Feed using the RSS link provided below!
EyePod TechnoCast Volume 7: The Talking Tactile Tablet



RELEASED: January 20, 2009
In this installment of the EyePod Technocast, we introduce you to the Talking Tactile Tablet, or TTT.
This hardware does an amazing job of conveying a variety of information to the end user using tactile graphics and audio feedback.
So come join us as we explore the TTT, learn how it works, and play a few games in the process. This podcast will illustrate how the TTT can be used as a fantastic vehicle for learning as well as offer the user and his/her classmates, friends, and/or family a great way to have some serious fun!
The TTT and it’s accompanying materials and applications are manufactured and developed by Touch Graphics, Inc. @ http://www.touchgraphics.com. For more information about this equipment, feel free to contact us at enews@flying-blind.com.
You may click on, or forward, either of the following links to download: EyePod TechnoCast Volume 7: The Talking Tactile Tablet, in either MP3 or ZIP Format (19.4 MB @ 96Kbps) now:
MP3 Format: http://www.flying-blind.com/ept/EyePodTechnoCast7.mp3
ZIP Format: http://www.flying-blind.com/ept/EyePodTechnoCast7.zip
We offer the ZIP format as a courtesy to anyone that might wish to download the podcast without the interference of their installed media player. Once downloaded, simply extract the enclosed MP3 and enjoy.
Or you can subscribe to the EyePod TechnoCast Feed using the RSS link provided below. Enjoy!
EyePod TechnoCast Volume 6: Alva Braille Controller: A New Generation of Refreshable Braille Solutions



October 14, 2008
January 22, 2009
In this installment of our EyePod Technocast, we give you a tour of the Alva Braille Controller, it’s product philosophy, and its many different functionalities and uses.
The name Alva is to Braille displays what Mercedes is to automobiles, and this sixth generation of Alva’s product offering surpasses its first five stellar efforts by far. Come join Larry Lewis as he gives an in depth overview of:
The Alva Braille Controller operating as a stand-alone notetaker
The Alva Braille Controller accessing Mobilespeak-equipped cellular phones
The Alva Braille Controllers “Alva Explorer” utility
The Alva Braille Controller as a USB storage device
The Alva Braille Controller’s direct U3 access to Windows,
And the Alva Braille Controller’s USB and wireless access to a PC.
This is a fairly lengthy podcast, but well worth the listen. For any comments or questions regarding this revolutionary approach to refreshable Braille access, please contact us either by telephone or e-mail.
You may click on, or forward, the following link to download Volume 6 of the EyePod TechnoCast in MP3 Format (40.0 MB @ 96Kbps) now:
Or you can subscribe to the EyePod TechnoCast Feed using the RSS link provided below. Enjoy!
EyePod TechnoCast: Volume 5



June 2, 2008
October 13, 2008
In this installment of our EyePod Technocast, we direct our attention to two product lines that have been showcased in previous podcasts, Serotek’s System Access Mobile Network (http://www.serotek.com/buynow.html), and HumanWare’s globally acclaimed Victor Reader Stream (http://www.humanware.com/en-usa/products/dtb_players/ compact_models/_details/id_81/victorreader_stream.html).
In these products’ latest software updates, the Victor Reader Stream leverages the vast amounts of content on the System Access Mobile network.
Listen to this podcast as Larry Lewis demonstrates how to access audio descriptive movies off of the System Access Mobile network and then play these movies on his Victor Reader stream!
Such an approach to portable entertainment is a first in the industry and a much needed shot in the “access” arm for those of us who are vision impaired!
You may click on, or forward, the following link to download Volume 5 of the EyePod TechnoCast in MP3 Format (12.2 MB @ 96Kbps) now:
Or you can subscribe to the EyePod TechnoCast Feed using the RSS link provided below. Enjoy!
EyePod TechnoCast: Volume 4



December 18, 2007
March 8, 2008
In this installment of Flying Blind, LLC’s EyePod TechnoCast we introduce you to the Victor Reader Stream.
This Daisy, MP3, and Niso player is arguably one of the most exciting products to take the Adaptive Technology Industry by storm in quite some time. A great big Yankee “Thank You!” goes out to our neighbors up North, The HumanWare Canada Team, for their effort, thoughtfulness, and the obvious consideration that they invested in the creation of the Victor Reader Stream.
In this podcast I provide an overview of the Stream, illustrate how to use the Stream, show how to record notes as well as access a variety of Daisy and Niso books via the Stream, and play a few tunes from my diverse music collection on this multi-faceted player.
This product retails for a nominal US$329.00 within the US, and HumanWare US is even offering free shipping on purchases of the Stream through the end of December 2007.
I’m confident that once you listen to this podcast, you will agree that everyone who has a visual impairment and who loves to listen to audio books and music must own at least one of these portable “Techno-Jewels”!
You may click on, or forward, this link:
to download Volume 4 of the EyePod TechnoCast in MP3 Format (28.6 MB @ 96Kbps) now, or you can subscribe to the EyePod TechnoCast Feed using the RSS link provided below. Enjoy!
EyePod TechnoCast: Volume 3



October 3, 2007
December 17, 2007
In this installment of Flying Blind, LLC’s EyePod TechnoCast we introduce you to the KNFB Reader, the first palm-size solution for a visually impaired individual to scan and access text portably and audibly.
In this demonstration we give a thorough description of the unit and put this solution through its paces scanning and reading back a couple of hardcopy print documents.
We conclude with some thoughts and ideas for practical use of the KNFB Reader in a variety of settings.
So come and join us as we explore this life-changing, palm-size technology!
You may click on, or forward, this link:
To download Volume 3 of the EyePod TechnoCast in MP3 Format (17.7 MB @ 96Kbps) now, or you can subscribe to the EyePod TechnoCast Feed using the RSS link provided below. Enjoy!
EyePod TechnoCast: Volume 2


August 8, 2007
October 1, 2007
In this installment of the EyePod TechnoCast we unveil a first in the Adaptive Technology Industry.
Serotek Corporation, developers of System Access Software, have provided to those of us who are vision impaired the world’s first web-based screen reader.
What this means for those of us who are vision impaired is that we can now walk up to ANY Windows-based PC and launch a web-browsing session using only Internet Explorer!
Volume 2 of the EyePod TechnoCast illustrates how to initiate a screen reading session using System Access To Go on a PC that DOES NOT have any screen reading software installed on it.
Come join us as we utilize this software to perform a number of popular PC tasks using this fresh approach to PC access!
You may click on, or forward, this link:
To download Volume 2 of the EyePod TechnoCast in MP3 Format (10.9 MB @ 96Kbps) now, or you can subscribe to the EyePod TechnoCast Feed using the RSS link provided below. Enjoy!
EyePod TechnoCast: Volume 1


June 25, 2007
August 7, 2007
Flying Blind, LLC cordially invites you to listen to our very first EyePod TechnoCast, in which we discuss and demonstrate the features of the newly enhanced Refreshable Braille Support in Code Factory's Mobilespeak Pocket software, the industry's first screenreading solution for users wishing to access a Windows Mobile PDA Cellular Phone or Smartphone.
We also explore how to use Mobilespeak Pocket to set bookmarks within a Windows Media File in order that the entertainment value of these Mobile devices might be optimized.
You can click on, or forward, this link:
To download Volume 1 of the EyePod TechnoCast in MP3 Format (15.5 MB @ 96Kbps) now, or you can subscribe to the EyePod TechnoCast Feed using the RSS link provided below. Enjoy!
— Larry L. Lewis, Jr.
President and Founder
Flying Blind, LLC
