Welcome To The New Home Of Flying Blind, LLC
![]() I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the newly-launched Flying Blind, LLC Website. The new home of Flying Blind, LLC, at www.Flying-Blind.com, will familiarize you with Flying Blind, LLC, its mission, company goals, and the projects on which Flying Blind, LLC is currently collaborating. This new website will also offer you a fresh perspective on the current state of the Adaptive Technology Industry, as well as Flying Blind, LLC’s hopes and desires for those of us who are blind, and who wish to better equip ourselves to experience all that the various mainstream technologies have to offer. Flying Blind, LLC is committed to providing you, the blind consumer, service provider, purchasing agent, or distributor/manufacturer of Adaptive Technology, with the necessary guidance to optimize the services and/or products that you provide and/or buy. Flying Blind, LLC also looks forward to learning from you as well, as we work together to shape the direction of the Adaptive Technology Industry. Flying Blind, LLC is about seizing opportunities by empowering its customers through the optimization and utilization of both currently established and emerging Adaptive Technologies that parallel the trends evidenced within mainstream development efforts. Flying Blind, LLC seeks to accept nothing less than the complete solutions that those of us who are blind so rightfully deserve. With Flying Blind, LLC, the sky is definitely the limit! I would like to personally thank you for taking the time to visit this website, and we at Flying Blind, LLC look forward to serving you in the days to come! Respectfully, — Larry L. Lewis, Jr. Larry.Lewis@Flying-Blind.com President and Founder Flying Blind, LLC |