AdapTech Insider for Monday, December 1, 2014 - Volume 40
Empowerment Through Technology
A Flying Blind, LLC Publication
Giving The Gift Of Braille This Holiday Season - Brand New BrailleNote Refreshable Braille Displays as Low as $1,999.00 USD!!!
One of the principles on which Flying Blind, LLC was founded is to discover and provide countless ways to get as much refreshable Braille under as many people's fingertips within the largest variety of settings as humanly possible, thus promoting Braille literacy and efficient task completion within a predominantly sighted world!
To that end, we are ecstatic to be able to offer brand new, unused BrailleNote MPower 18 and 32 Cell Refreshable Braille Displays with Braille keyboards at an over 50% discount - just in time for the holiday Season!!! These units are brand new and come with a one year manufacturer's warranty. These units are ideal for the young vision impaired student who wishes to move beyond a mechanical Braille writing tool to a device that gives them instant on/off access for reading books, performing scientific calculations, scheduling appointments, and developing literacy-based skills that will carry them from a successful educational experience into a competitive job market. These units are also ideal for the adult simply wishing to take notes, read books, schedule appointments, manage contacts and create and access personal databases, giving you the time in your life to have the time of your life!!!
The BrailleNote mPower's mature hardware and intuitive software provide a ruggedness and stability that is lacking in many of today's refreshable Braille solutions. This is a phenomenal bargain for both educators and parents of vision impaired students, not to mention adults wishing to kick off the new year with a Braille Notetaker that's price cannot be matched!
We're selling 18 Cell models for $1,999.00 USD and 32 Cell models for $2,599.00 USD, and both of these prices include shipping within the continental United States. To purchase one or more of these units online, please use either of the Buy Now links included below. For more information, or to order one or more of these units offline, email or call +1 (216) 381-8107 today. We at Flying Blind, LLC wish you a joyous and safe Holiday Season and are standing by to make sure that your 2015 year kicks off on a "Braille" Note!!!
Buy Now - 18 Cell - Brand New BrailleNote MPower 18 Cell Refreshable Braille Display for $1,999.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Price: $1,999.00 USD
Buy Now - 32 Cell - Brand New BrailleNote MPower 32 Cell Refreshable Braille Display for $2,599.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store
Price: $2,599.00 USD
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