AdapTech Insider for Monday, March 10, 2014 - Volume 38
Empowerment Through Technology
A Flying Blind, LLC Publication
Flying Blind, LLC Offers Crazy "March Madness" Spring Time Specials, Plus An Amazing Giveaway!!!
With a brutally cold winter for most of us in the U.S. hopefully in our rearview mirrors, we at Flying Blind, LLC are ready to warm things up a bit for the spring time with some great "March Madness" specials to commemorate the college basketball frenzy which is about to engulf us here in the United States. So read on for some exciting news about your chance to win a BookSense XT HandHeld Daisy Reader from HIMS, Inc., valued at over $400.00 USD!!!
Firstly, for the remainder of March, the Flying Blind, LLC Online Store at is offering free shipping on all orders of $50.00 USD or more. Purchase any combination of high or low tech items and we'll waive your shipping charges on all orders totalling $50.00 USD or more, up to midnight on Monday, March 31st 2014.
Secondly, we're very excited to be offering an incredible discount on the new BraillePen 12 Touch, giving you an opportunity to own one of these pocket-sized powerhouses, brand new, for the staggeringly low price of just $875.00 USD!!! With our shipping prices waived on this order, you'll save $250.00 USD on this 12-Cell Braille display that gives you instant, wireless Braille read-and-write access to so many of today's popular screen readers. Order your BraillePen 12 Touch before March 31st 2014 to take advantage of this fantastic bargain from a company that is willing to lower its prices to get as much Braille into as many hands as possible!!!
And lastly, all customers who place an order of $50.00 USD or more on the Flying Blind, LLC Online Store at, between March 10th 2014 and March 31st 2014 will be automatically entered into a drawing to win a complimentary BookSense XT Daisy Player, manufactured by HIMS, Inc., and valued at over $400.00 USD!!! That's right! A free BookSense!!! The BookSense XT is a phenomenal handheld bookreader that also allows you to listen to books, music, and podcasts in a variety of media formats. Bear in mind that this little dynamo also packs an FM radio, clock and alarm, and has the ability to connect to a Bluetooth headset, giving you, our one lucky winner, a whole lot of options packed into a portable and sleek design. To read more about the BookSense XT, please visit We will contact the lucky winner of the BookSense XT via email by the end of the business day (EST) on March 31st 2014, so there's no need to contact us to enter yourself into the drawing. Simply purchase $50.00 USD or more from the Flying Blind, LLC Online Store at between March 10th 2014 and March 31st 2014 and enter a chance to win!!! Entry into this drawing is also included for anyone purchasing refurbished equipment from Flying Blind, LLC between March 10th 2014 and March 31st 2014.
If you have questions about any of our "March Madness" Spring Time Specials, or wish to place your order offline, please email us at or contact us by phone today at +1 (216) 381-8107.
From now until midnight on March 31st, we wish you a fantastic start to your spring time shopping!!!
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