AdapTech Insider for Monday, December 10, 2012 - Volume 33
Empowerment Through Technology
A Flying Blind, LLC Publication
1. Accessible Shopping in the 2012 Holiday Season
Greetings and welcome to the Flying Blind, LLC Year-End Adaptech Insider. Your source for the state of the industry in new and emerging adaptive technologies. Now with a 100% fully accessible online store for all of your adaptive technology needs, large or small, from refreshable braille displays to special flame retardant oven mitts that can withstand temperatures up to 450 degrees, we've got you covered.
We would like to begin by wishing all of our subscribers, all over the world, both a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy Holiday Season. I know it's hard to believe, but its already time to reflect on yet another year, which seems to have flown by at a break-neck pace. As the holidays are a time for giving we wanted to firstly take this opportunity to introduce everyone to some new inventory now available within the Flying Blind,LLC Online Store, your one-stop shop for all of your adaptive technology and accessibility needs. Find that perfect gift at, where U.S. customers enjoy free shipping on all products.
Additionally, all of the products offered within the Flying Blind, LLC Online Store have been hand picked by Flying Blind, LLC's founder, Mr. Larry L. Lewis, Jr. Each product we carry is either used or endorsed by Mr. Lewis directly. For you iOS and Android users, check out Flying Blind, LLC's "Stocking Stuffer" BraillePen12 promotion, back down to its introductory price of $995.00 USD for the holidays. Bundle this with free shipping and you save $130.00 USD on the world's most portable and affordable refreshable Braille input / output device, which:
2. Teleworking For Those Of Us Who Are Vision Impaired
Recently, Flying Blind, LLC's president and founder, Mr. Larry Lewis, had the privilege of being interviewed by the great folks at Telesaur, (, a fantastic online resource for current and prospective teleworking employees and employers wishing to hire individuals to work remotely. With such an emphasis being placed on so many of us by today's workplace to work efficiently in so many different types of stationary and mobile environments, Mr. Lewis was most anxious to share his 13+ years of experience telecommuting in both domestic and international capacities from the perspective of both a blind employee, as well as a business owner and operator. The interview, along with a few photos and a video, can be accessed by visiting:
3. For A Few Things You Might Not Know About Flying Blind, LLC
Courtesy of North Texas Radio for the Blind, a service of Reading & Radio Resource, Dallas at, the following is an interview conducted by Donna Miller for her InfoTalk Radio Program interviewing our very own Mr. Larry Lewis, President and Founder of Flying Blind, LLC. This is a great opportunity to learn more about Larry, his philosophy toward adaptive and mainstream technologies, and how Flying Blind, LLC got its start by listening to this interview.
4. Year-End, Heartfelt Thanks, From All Of Us At Flying Blind, LLC!
Finally, we at Flying Blind, LLC would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a most joyous and blessed Holiday Season. We're now a few months into our sixth year of business, and we have all of you to thank for it. We look forward to growing with you in 2013. May the end of your 2012 be full of Holiday cheer and may each of you enjoy a prosperous and rewarding 2013!
Warmest Regards,
Flying Blind, LLC Media Center
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Shopping for accessible technology? Check out the Flying Blind, LLC Online Store at All products offered in the Flying Blind, LLC Online Store are products that Larry L. Lewis, Jr. either personally uses, or publicly endorses. Flying Blind, LLC is proud to offer free shipping & handling on all of our products, within the 48 continental United States.
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